How one university created a purpose-built, research collaboration platform in less than seven months

Aligning technology with institutional needs to deliver results.

What happened when LaTrobe University found out that Cloudstor, a purpose-built research platform was being decommissioned?

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They partnered with Innovior to explore alternative solutions.  Within seven months of engagement, Innovior delivered a purpose-built solution called Invio which brought together three extremely well-known, well-architected and stable platforms in a seamless manner to ensure minimal risk.

According to Chris Rathborne, Director of Applications & Platforms at La Trobe University, “Invio not only caters to our present but is also geared for the future; giving us greater control, unparalleled security and streamlined governance. Invio is not just a platform but a testament to what can be achieved when technology aligns perfectly with institutional needs.”

Download the full case study to find out more and see the results for yourself.